Many have asked how I juggle between being a senior Pastor's wife, a mum, an advocate for girl child education, a public speaker and an event planner.
Well, Rome wasn't built in a day so I grow at it daily. Constantly learning and never relenting on my effort to become better. (The more skillful you are, the more valuable you'll be).
Once upon a time, I suck at this duties and seldom delegate my important duties to care givers.
I felt bad when my children started speaking differently from what I thought I was instilling in them.
So I took that bold step to quit my 9-5 job.
Little did I know, it was only the beginning of a 24hours discipline.
With joy and enthusiasm, I looked forward to being a better mum and a successful entrepreneur.
6years down the line, I'm not doing badly. As I pat myself at the back and say 'Sunmbo well done' ye are indeed a super woman with a SUPER GOD.
#DiaryOfAnEntrepreneur #inspiringchangewithsunmbo